SOFT POWER SP. Z O.O. implements a project co-financed from European Funds “The League of Extraordinary Minds – learning online programming for schools and individual users”.
The aim of the project is to promote the Polish product brand Soft Power Sp. z o.o. on foreign markets. The project will be implemented in the period from 01/10/2021 to 30/09/2022 in accordance with the IT industry promotion program.
Dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 297 670,00 PLN
GESS 2021
On November 14-16, 2021, we participated in the Global Educational Supplies & Solutions fair in Dubai. Over 200 exhibitors from around the world presented their products and services for the education industry. The interest in the stand of the League of Extraordinary Minds was very high, we had dozens of interesting talks with representatives of schools, ministries of education from the Middle East region, teachers and distributors. Many of the contacts made have great potential for business continuity.
Economic Mission, Dubai
On December 6, 2021, the Polish-Arab Economic Forum was held in Dubai. Interesting symposia and an opportunity for working meetings with representatives of local authorities, business and organizations. The talks with distributors and potential contractors in the Middle East markets, including Africa and India, were very interesting and promising. The first contracts have already been signed and this year the first students in the United Arab Emirates will have the opportunity to use the LEM platform, learning practical programming in English and Arabic language versions.
During some of the business meetings, we took advantage of the hospitality of the branch of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency in Dubai, whose employees support Polish entrepreneurs in contacts with government institutions in the UAE and potential contractors from this region. The entire PAIH staff showed great professionalism and commitment despite the burden of organizing the Polish-Arab Economic Forum.
December 7 was the Polish Day at EXPO 2020. An interesting artistic program with Chopin’s music in the background in the outstanding Polish pavilion attracted a large group of visitors. During these days, Lower Silesia also had a temporary exhibition in the pavilion, and also our hometown Wrocław 🙂